Fixed lease model

Take a vacation on your own boat or another KUHNLE-TOURS boat (not partner companies) at all KUHNLE-TOURS destinations regardless of the location of your boat and collect a fixed lease in parallel as a percentage of the boat purchase price:

Return on investment per year fornew boatsused boats
Febomobil 1180, 990 7% fixed rent (5,5 years)
Kormoran 1150, 1290, 1500 on request
Aquino 1190 6% fixed rent (5,5 years)
vetus 900, 1000, 1500 7% fixed rent (2,5 years)
Haines 1070, 1190 7% fixed rent (3,5 years)
Kormoran 940, 1140, 1280, 1500 7% fixed rent (5,5 years)
other boat typeson requeston request

+ EXTENDED OWNERSHIP on your own boat or from another KUHNLE-TOURS destination:
1 week high season May 15 to September 15 + 3 weeks low season March 15 to May 14 or September 16 to early November at no charge except for basic, operating and fuel costs, on your own boat or an equivalent or smaller boat. Pick-up and return must be within the specified periods. A maximum of one of these charter weeks can be split into a weekend and a mini-week for booking purposes.

Low-season sailing options can also be converted into high-season time on board.
Conversion ratio: 1½ week own use low season = 1 week own use high season

Own use can be transferred to spouse or children.
However, it is unfortunately not possible to transfer the owner-occupancy option to subsequent years.

Click here for used boats.

Click here for information on the new Kormorans.